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Paulson: Our TARP Has the Blues

U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank “The Tank” Paulson essentially admitted that the Treasury’s Troubled Asset Repurchase Plan (TARP) hasn’t worked and will now focus on consumer lending. Residents of post-Katrina New Orleans living with “FEMA blue” tarps on their homes will now note the irony.

Paulson Declares TARP Bailout Over Drop the Partisanship, We’re In It […]

Charts to Show That Markets Don’t Always Go UP!

Many financial advisors suffer from detachment from reality syndrome. They believe in propaganda dictated by their firms like “markets always go up in the long term.” Ha, right, try saying that on the streets of Reykjavik. If you consider the long term to be 50 or more years, then the proposition is correct, sometimes (it […]

Misunderstanding Oil and Alternative Energy (Pt 1)

With an historic election over in the United States, it is time to get back to tackling the problems of energy supply and rising cost. A number of plans are up for discussion ranging from the benign to the radical. In order to evaluate the full spectrum of what can be done in the […]

What hath God wraught.

These were the first words sent by Samuel Morse in 1844 along the first telegraph line to the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. I thought this would be more fitting than the usual “hello world” or “watch this space.” As a first post, there isn’t much to say except welcome and please come back […]